
Published: 2022-12-13

考官先自我介紹並確認考生的身份。 然後,他會就一些熟悉的話題,例如:家庭、家人、工作、學習和興趣,向考生提出一些一般性的問題。 為確保一致性,這些問題取自腳本,與考官的對話持續 4-5 分鐘。


Question Types:


The questions can be categorized as follows:


  1. Questions about Ability 能力
  1. Questions that require a Comparison 比較
  1. Questions that require a Conditional 條件/假設
  1. Questions that require a Description 描述
  1. Questions with Negatives 負面問題
  1. Questions that require expressing an Opinion 表達意見
  1. Questions about People & Places 人物/地點

Each type of question requires a different emphasis based on the type of question that is asked. We specify the standard question types and the task requirements for each category of questions you will see on the IELTS exam.

根據所問題型,每種題型要求了不同的重點。 我們為你具體說明了在雅思考試中你將遇到的每一類問題的標準題型和任務要求。

1. Questions about Ability 能力

Question Types

  • Can you?
  • Do you?
  • Are you good at?
  • How good are you?

Task Requirement

  1. State level of proficiency
  2. State reasons why in support


Do you know how to cook?

I am a very accomplished chef and have even considered cooking as a full-time career. The reason why I can cook so well is that I grew up in a family of professional chefs and would watch and help out from a young age. I would attribute my love of cooking to these early years in the kitchen.

2. Question about Comparing 比較

Question Types

  • What are the main different/similarities?
  • How are ___ and ___ alike?
  • How is ___ different from/Similar to _____? 

Task Requirement

  1. Identify the main difference/similarity
  2. State other differences/similarities in support
  3. Provide an example.


How are state and public schools alike?

There is a world of difference between private and public schools, especially in regards to the quality of courses that they offer.  One of the major contrasts is the teaching quality, as private schools can afford to pay larger salaries and so attract teachers of a higher caliber.

3. Question about Conditionals 條件/假設

Question Types

  • What will you do…?
  • What do you do?

Task Requirement

  1. State the result
  2. Discuss the benefits in support
  3. Mention the drawbacks in support


What would you do if you lost your job?

Supposing that I was laid off, I would bring forward my plans to study abroad. The major advantage is that I will not have to wait until next year to begin my master’s degree. On the downside, I will have less money to spend so I will need to budget carefully.

4. Question about Describing 描述

Question Types

  • What is your hometown like?
  • How do you like?
  • How’s……
  • Can you describe…….

Task Requirement

  1. State the most striking feature
  2. Touch on personal experiences in support


What do you like about your hometown?

Speaking from experience, as I’ve travelled extensively, I have never visited a city anywhere in the world with which offers as many activities as Taipei. We have mountains and national parks, beaches and two major rivers along which the city has built extensive parks and recreation facilities. And we have so many great places to eat. My hometown is an absolute hive of activity.

5. Questions with Negatives 負面問題

Question Types

  • What don’t you like?
  • Why don’t you like it?
  • Is there anything you don’t like?

Task Requirement

  1. State what you least like/enjoy
  2. Give a result in support


What do you not like about your hometown?

While my hometown is unique and I have a great fondness for it, there are several things that I do not like about my hometown. I dislike the fact that people ride their bikes on the sidewalk. I am a great proponent of bikes and recognize the benefits of “last mile” public transport, I believe that bikes should only be allowed in dedicated bike lanes and not near pedestrians. In this way, we could walk without the fear of being run over by bicyclists, often riding at a high speed.

6. Questions with Opinions 表達意見

Question Types

  • State opinion immediately
  • Explain the point more clearly

Task Requirement

  1. Give a result in support


What is your opinion of vaping and the laws restricting e-cigarettes?

Vaping is a form of smoking and for the Government to outlaw vaping, but not outlaw cigarettes or tobacco products in general is inconsistent and discriminatory. I base this opinion on the fact that smoking is detrimental to an individual’s health and to public health overall. Government expenditure on health services would fall markedly was smoking to be outlawed and there is a case for this. However, the argument that some forms of smoking should be prohibited while others are allowed is inconsistent and has no basis in fact.

7. Questions on People & Places 人物/地點

Question Types

  • State opinion immediately
  • Explain the point more clearly

Task Requirement

  1. State what you least like/enjoy
  2. Give a result in support


Do/Did you have a favorite teacher?

Certainly. My academic life has been enhanced by several outstanding teachers several of whom I would call my ‘favorite’. One of the most interesting courses I have ever taken was a high school course on the History of Jazz Music.  Our instructor was a French teacher, who had a deep appreciation of Jazz music and was able to share that passion with us as students. The course started with the traditions of West African music that were brought to the America’s by slaves and then followed how these rhythms were shaped and found new expression – finally arriving at what we today call Jazz.